21 November 2001
This gem of a picture is not only one of the best sports oriented films of all time, it is a bone jaring indictment of corporate America, that was glamorized years later in Oliver Stone's WALL STREET, and the films that followed. This was the pre-cursor to the 80's era of "greed is good" and (corporate) win at all costs. The North Dallas Bulls are the ultimate "corporate whores", aptly observed by Seth Maxwell, who justifies their fate by stating: "We may as well be the best." One of the nicest surprises of 1979 was Mac Davis' performance as Seth Maxwell, who along with Nick Nolte's stellar performance in the lead, give an already gritty film that much more depth. Ted Kotcheff's tight direction of Frank Yablans and Peter Gent's screenplay intensely marches the film. All that was missing was NFL Films Voice Of The Gods, John Facenda, with the play by play.
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