Zombie (1979)
Fulci responds to the success of "Dawn of the Dead" with this inane, gory 'Zombie' tale
13 March 2004
A woman's (Tisa Farrow) search for her missing father leads to a tropical island, with a journalist (Ian McCulloch) and vacationing couple (Al Cliver, Auretta Gay) along for the ride. Once on the island, they find it inhabited by hungry zombies and a crazed doctor (Richard Johnson) who is conducting experiments on the dead with use of voodoo, only to accidentally revive hordes of corpses in the process. Soon the zombies are devouring the living. Can they be stopped?

Italian director Lucio Fulci responds to the success of George Romero's "Dawn of the Dead" (a.k.a. "Zombi" in Italy) with this inane, gory zombie tale (a.k.a. "Zombi 2" in Italy). Made mostly for gorehounds and zombie fans, but can they cope with the total boredom of wooden performances, bad writing and directing, and zombie-like pacing? With these faults, it does boast some decent (though, mostly stomach churning) special effects and almost laughable underwater fight between zombie and shark.

My evaluation: * out of ****
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