22 February 2001
Oh, GOD, this movie is so painfully, excrutiatingly, mind-numbingly BAD, I want a copy for my personal collection! I've never been the biggest fan of disco--though I do have a few records in my collection--and didn't really miss it when it died the first time around, but this movie had to have been the proverbial nail in the coffin. I've nicknamed it "Please Stop the Music" because that final song during the "concert" has permanently embedded itself into my psyche and won't let go! Ouch! Anyway, the old saying goes that a film is only as good as its (CHOOSE ONE: director, writer, cast), and this one had all three strikes against it. No matter how hard you try to look away, you can't help but look on in horror as it continues. Be prepared to laugh yourself silly over the unintentional humor, the stiff acting, and the convoluted "HEY KIDS! LET'S PUT ON A SHOW!" storyline.
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