'80s Teen Angst
31 March 2003
I have always liked this movie from when I saw it back in the '80s to the present. The only thing that ticked me off about it, then & now, was the ending. Everything from the acting to the music soundtrack was great, but the ending of the movie really ends the experience on a sour note. I am figuring the director thought it would have more of a dramatic impact and give it more of a realistic touch. What it ended up doing, especially back in '82, was aggravate the audience which was mostly made up of teens. I remember at the drive-ins here in Toronto, the cars would blast their horns at the end to show their displeasure with the flick. One thing I find hard to believe is that this movie, which is currently out-of-print, is going for big bucks used on VHS! I think I will wait for it to come out on DVD, if ever. If it doesn't, it's a movie that will not really be missed with me.
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