Best slasher film ever? Not quite...
17 September 1999
Normally, I don't sum up the plot of a movie that I'm reviewing unless it hasn't been summed up before. People have told the point of 'The Slumber Party Massacre' many times, but I feel it's my duty to sum it up once more for the viewing public. So, without further ado, ...

The first hour or so is more or less 'Wow. Teenage girls played by actresses in their mid twenties. And wow, they're getting naked and smoking marijuana. This hasn't happened in a horror movie before! And, well, now people are getting killed! What a surprise!'

The rest of the film starts turning into what fans of cheesy movies enjoy -- lots of bad lines, really horrible acting and as much blood and gore as you can pack into thirty minutes as possible. In a way, this partially redeems for how boring the first half is, but not quite.

As everyone has said before, rent this movie if you want to see breasts but aren't old enough to rent pornography. 'Slumber Party Massacre' isn't a scary movie. It barely even counts as a funny movie.

I'm not sure what the best slasher film is, but this definitely isn't it...
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