Review of Witchboard

Witchboard (1986)
Much better than expected.
17 September 1999
When I popped 'Witchboard' into the VCR, I was expecting the typical cheesy horror movie. The beginning music, the topic matter of the movie itself, and the fact that my mother taped it immediately after the 'classic' 'Slumber Party Massacre' added to this thought. However, I ended up getting quite a surprise.

As another reviewer said, 'Witchboard' wasn't a modern day classic. It had it's low-points -- the story was a little slow and predictable at times. The acting also wasn't top notch, and some of the humour and scenes themselves were unnessecary. But when 'Witchboard' actually takes off, it turns into quite the engulfing movie.

B-Movie fans may not enjoy this very much. It's not your average eighties run of the mill gorefest. But, because of the interesting storyline, any horror/suspense fan that enjoys a decent scare should check it out.
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