Dennis Hopper's wooden performance, unfunny attempts at dark humor nearly kill rushed, mediocre 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre' sequel
18 November 2003
Dennis Hopper stars as an ex-Texas Ranger seeking revenge on the murderous chainsaw-wielding family responsible for murdering members of his family from the previous installment. Meanwhile, a radio deejay (Caroline Williams) recorded one of their grisly murders and played it on the air only to upset Cook (Jim Siedow, the only returning actor from the original), Chop Top (Bill Moseley), and Leatherface (Bill Johnson).

Tobe Hooper is back as director, but unfortunately the sequel is rushed and (surprisingly) mediocre. Instead of keeping the eerie atmosphere and suspense that worked in the original, he throws in touches of dark humor that barely works. The crazed family is no longer scary, but rather obnoxious and annoying. Hopper must have needed the money for his wooden performance. His chainsaw battle with Leatherface is lame. Tom Savini provided the cheesy gory effects. My evaluation: *½ out of ****.
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