Too many deaths, too much violence, too destructive... How I love this film.
19 August 2002
In the first film John Woo, set the standard for action choreography. In the second one John Woo went past it like a speeding bullet. It takes a while to get going, but when it gets going it gets going in a big coat with a pair of berettas. The action is relentless. I loved the scene when Kit appears round the corner shoots everyone in sight, jumps onto a passing boat and delivers the briefcase to it's owner, and there was the scene when Ken is looking after Lung and they have a big shootout/car chase through New York. Although neither of those are as good as the scene when Ken manages to get hold of two beretta m92f automatics, a revolver and a spas 12 shotgun and goes on rampage through the hotel. Mowing down gangsters in a flurry of shots. (If you look closely Chow Yun Fat didn't use a stunt double for when he flips round on the stairs and slides down them headfirst, on his back with two guns. Not many Hollywood action stars could do that.) However all these action scenes seem like nothing when they are held up against the mighty finale, when dressed slickly in black suits, the heroes take up their weapons and storm through the villain's mansion. Bodies fly, blood spurting from their wounds, smoke and rubble fill the close quarter corridors as bullets rip everything to shreds. The walls were literally dripping with blood, and the sequence when Ho, (played by kung fu legend Ti Lung) catches a blo*dy great sword and cuts everyone in sight to pieces. The modern day "duel" between Ken and Chong, when they both remove their darkglasses to allow their worthy opponents a look at each other's eyes.It is a sign of honourable respect between the two gunmen. It is very different to the first and third in the series,not quite as good a film as the first and completely different to the third. However the action in this beats the two other films, making it alot easier to watch.
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