What curse?
7 February 2004
I am surprised more people have not voted for this movie. It came on HBO a number of times back in the day. I caught there one night and decided to watch it. Nothing much really to it. I saw most of the first movie and have to say these two share very little in common except for the fact neither of them are really curses. Since when is getting bitten by a snake a curse? Just makes no sense. Actually this movie could be a sequel to the movie "SSSSSS" (yes, there is a movie by that title), because in this one as in that one there is the gradual transformation throughout the movie. Only here it is done a bit more graphically than it was in the other one. As it is though I did not care for it all that much. There just wasn't enough to it for my tastes. I am not a fan of the movies where someone is basically transforming throughout the whole movie. Though there are some interesting scenes that are worth checking out. The scene where the guy puts the moves on the girl is kind of sleazy, but good. Disturbing too, as later you find out what is beneath those bandages. The ending is somewhat good too, all in all though it may be worth checking out if you ever see it; I just wouldn't put much effort into finding it.
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