The Kids in the Hall (1988–2021)
The Kids are so awesome!
18 June 2002
I'm watching the show right now as I type this. What can I say about the Kids in the Hall? What indeed? They are really wild, really outrageous, and really funny! It's like they didn't care who they offended and didn't care what anyone thought, which is rare in today's bland and ridiculously-PC-to-a-fault society. They weren't afraid to pull any punches or even to make fun of themselves. They just had a ton of fun cracking jokes about the absurdity of life itself.

Fave character of all time is Scott Thompson's Buddy Cole, the ultra-gay bartender. Best Buddy monologue is him talking about race -- very tongue-in-cheek and so true.

I love this show, I love the guys, and can't say enough about it. :-)
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