A Beautiful Gem of a Film
10 May 2000
I watched this film for the first time as a freshman in high school, and found myself simply captivated by its utter beauty and humanity. Over the course of the picture I came to truly identify with the character of Aaron, and his story struck a chord within my soul that I never kew existed.

As the years have passed, I have come back to this movie time and time again, and I find that "King of the Hill" only grows better with each viewing. Undoubtedly this film has a tremendous amount to say about endurance, triumph, love, and adversity, and Soderbergh tackles such themes with great eloquence and ease. But what is most striking about this beautiful picture are the endless number of images that appear throughout the course of its story. I will never forget the tragic dance scene in which the character of Ella experiences a random seizure, the brilliant exchanges between Spalding Gray and Elizabeth McGovern, or the touching final interaction between Aaron and an elevator operator. But for me, the most incredible sequence comes at the story's very beginning when Aaron stands before his class and reads a report on Charles Lindbergh as it offers fantastic insight into Aaron Kurlander's strong spirit.

Beautifully acted, and brilliantly written, this film is an underrated jewel. I recommend "King of the Hill" to anyone, and make no apologies for saying that this is my very favorite film.
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