2 March 2004
This Movie was Bollex, plain and simple. Whilest I will agree with my esteemed forebears who have commented before that it was bad, I will also agree that it did have some good moments as well, but, on a whole, it was still all Bollex. I did like, however, that Julian Sands was in it. He is pretty much grand in anything he is in, but that still did not save this movie. He has good lines, but, I do not think that Sands heart was in the role. He did, however, look pretty tight in his ever clean black get-up. As stated in earlier comments, Sands plays a super Warlock who is neigh indestructible, which takes away from the movie, at least to me. I would like to know if he is playing the same character as from the first movie, or another one entirely, which never gets answered. Sands has some good lines, but, since the Warlock could not be killed, he just kinda hung out, killed some poor shmoo, took his trippy rock, and continued on his merry way. The heros were both annoying, and the plotline about druids and God and saving the world from an imprisoned Satan are all rubbish. What self respecting lord of all evil get's imprisoned by frelling druids in the first place? The part where the guy get's turned into a sculpture was cool, as was the secondary character played by the dude from Friday the Thirteenth: The series. It is good to see him play a hero type for one. Also, it was funny to see Zack Galliger in it from Gremlins. I hope I spelled his name right. Joanna Pacula must have need the cash, as she was in this movie for all of five minutes before she got axed. The deaths in the movie, and there were many, were rather novel, but it did not save it from being Bollex.
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