Not the best, but I liked it
29 April 2001
Is this the best film Jet Li has appeared in? Hardly, but it still has lots going for it. The action is good and occurs frequently enough that I never got bored. The most impressive bit is a battle scene midway through the film which features a huge cast and *tons* of explosions. Jet Li and Sammo Hung both shine in their fight scenes, though both have turned in much better performances elsewhere

The plot is fairly comprehensible. The story makes sense so long as you pay attention to the dialogue (especially in the first scene.) I probably had an easier time understanding this movie than I did many other, similar films- the Swordsman series comes to mind.

Overall, its an entertaining film. In the US, its usually marketed under the title "Lord of the Wu Tang", though at no point do I recall seeing Ol Dirty B***ard in the film.
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