Forrest Gump (1994)
Undeniably fantastic!
28 August 2001
I had been counting the days until this title was released on DVD. I always tell my friends and other people that a true movie fan cannot choose just one favorite movie, but if I had to make a choice, it would be Forrest Gump. Contrary to other opinions here, I believe this movie is inteligent. It is the epitamy of American life.

As a movie, Forrest Gump has something for everyone--humor, drama, action, and romance. As a story, it tells of a man who, though not the brightest crayon in the box, can take part in any historical event. Tom Hanks is the only person who could make this character work, period. He plays Forrest with an unwitting just have to care what happens to him. In my opinion, it is the best performance of his career and more than deserving of the Oscar which he received.

Forrest Gump is a simple tale of a simple man who, for some reason (and watching you really don't care why), is present for nearly every important event in America's most recent history. Forrest's momma, played by Sally Field in one of her finest performances, is his guide through most of his early life. She teaches him that just because he's different, that doesn't mean he isn't special.

Forrest's romantic interest is Jenny, a young girl with whom he is very much in love. Fate delivers them onto separate paths, and yet Forrest and Jenny seemed destined to always be together. The point here is, just as in our reality, things happen that change our lives and we grow apart from those about whom we care. Forrest seems to just shrug these changes off and love Jenny unconditionally, the way true love should really be.

Overall, the performances are touching, the music is beautiful, and the story itself is thought-provoking and meaningful. The DVD has a ton of extra features, though most of them are behind-the-scenes peeks. If you don't own Forrest Gump on video or DVD, I highly recommend you pick it up. After all, "life is like a box of never know what you're gonna get."
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