Oh my nose!
16 December 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Was anybody else let down by this movie? Not that I expected an academy award worthy film but The Brady Bunch movie, although not awful also wasn't that great. It was sort of a let down.

I'm not sure what didn't gel but it wasn't cinema's finest hour. The Brady's as a movie simply doesn't work. Oh, I'm not gonna pretend I didn't laugh at all: example: ("she's harder to get into then a pearl Jam concert"-LOL), but the movie itself was pretty corny. I actually liked the parents better then what they did with the kids-and that whole selling the land storyline was just a weak storyline (cmon-this is the BRADY bunch- could not SOMETHING a bit stronger have been used as the main storyline?). I think it could have been very funny if they just didn't try so hard to modernize everything and everyone in the movie.

They should have concentrated on the things that made the original television show such a success and made the movie funnier but in a more recognizable "brady" way. Looking at the movie objectively it can't really be said that it stands out as "classic" as did the television show.

Even though the movie was good for a few laughs and is cool to see once, I wouldn't recommend it as a really great movie. I really am of the opinion that not everything needs to be so modernized, some movies will still work fine if the charm and wit that made them work in the first place is left intact or even expanded on. This isn't awful, just unremarkable. 5 out of 10 is my rating.
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