Review of Kids

Kids (1995)
6 August 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Kids, a low budget, documentary style film about super rebel teens trying to grow up fast in the big city of New York, is a film that wants to have morals, a point, and shocking imagery, but by the end, is no more than another unintentional celebration of sex, drugs, and uh...skateboarding. Most of the people that have seen this movie seem to be from the good ole' heartland of America, and also seem to wish that this movie really represented the generation of teens today. Most of these people, straight out of Texas, Alabama, and South Carolina, seem to think that New York is really like Kids portrays...teenagers don't go to school, drink alcohol non stop, smoke pot wide open in the streets, p**s on sidewalks, and beat up people in the middle of parks filled with families. Well, I live in New York, and honey, it really ain't like that yo! This movie seems to forget about the police for one thing. In one highly unrealistic scene in the film, *SPOILERS AHEAD* the group of kids that the two main characters hang out with all beat up some black guy, bashing skateboards over his head repeatedly, all because he back talked to one of the little, 115 pound white kids in the "gang." They almost kill the guy! Now, "Kids" in supposed to be a film that has morals and life lessons, but seems only to be exaggerating how wild an urban jungle can really be! I know that if there was a fight, no, make that a beating, in a park, like in the film, anywhere in America, people would brake it up, and police would be called (if they weren't already there), and all these bad ass white kids would be spending a while in jail--now that's realistic, that's true to life--why do people WANT to believe that teenagers really act like the ones in this film? I live in Manhattan, go to high school in Brooklyn, and am 18 years old, and I don't know anyone that acts even close to the kids in this film. The whole point of the film is that Telly, a character that's like a little ball of hormones, has AIDS, has given it to someone already, and is now spreading it around the city. The film mostly follows the period when one of Tellys past love-buddies comes around to warn him of his disease--but at the end of the film, she gets raped while being unconscious, and Telly never finds out--only spreading it to another innocent girl. SHE DIDN'T EVEN WARN HIM AT THE END OF THE FILM; MEANING THAT THE ENTIRE FILM WAS JUST FIGHTING, DRUGS, ALCOHOL, ETC...WITH NO POINT, OR CONSEQUENCE! This may have some juicy hidden symbolism for adults, but for most ignorant teens, watching this movie seems cool--they want to be like the characters in the movie! Plus, Telly, a kid that has sex right and left, would in real life be a virgin until he was 35--he is grimy, pimply, scrawny, and has a lisp--in real life would a little loser like this really have sex with multiple virgins a day? I don't think so hombre. Obviously I'm not a fan of this movie, and I might even like it more if it didn't portray all teenagers as desperately trying to grow up as quickly as possible, experienced in sex, drug-addicts, etc. I also might like it more if so many idiots from Texas didn't think it was so real and revolutionary--THIS WAS A FILM, NOT REAL LIFE! Well, I hope I changed someone's mind.
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