Review of Johns

Johns (1996)
Sad and powerful
25 August 1999
This is a metaphorical story about people's dreams as they

search for themselves and some meaning to life. There are

interesting symbols throughout the movie: Camelot as a

mythical, far-away perfect place; Christmas as a time of

birth and rebirth; the painted mural of the 10 Commandments as the "writing on the wall"; looking for a

room at the inn (the hotel); the wounds and the tattoos of

a tear and a heart; and the gaining and loss of time (watches).

The performances are convincing and powerful. The theme

seems to be in the song that Homeless John sings towards

the end about how the "world treats you mean" but there is

hope in rebirth. The movie is an odd use of all the symbolism to give a sad picture of street hustlers who,

like all people, seem lonely and in search of something

more meaningful in life.
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