Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997–2003)
A Landmark Television Series
2 August 2003
I am a television writer. No, I never worked for The Slayer although, I wanted to very badly. I actually became a television writer because the show inspired me to, and I found to be very good at it, but that's besides the point. Once at a Production Meeting, where I was working on a tv pilot. I was called to the office for NOTES. I went up, and the notes started to take a familiar turn, I recognized their story line, to something I had seen in Buffy- The Vampire Slayer. I mentioned this, and The room got really quiet. And then, one of ther persons said, well, the truth of the matter is, if any one thinks of it now, chances are Buffy has already done it.

I was thrown aback. For one, they admited the creativity of another show, in a minor network. Secondly the conversation turned to a Buffy Love FEST, we talked for nearly an hour, about how Joss had managed to bring elements together from the episode, "Once More with Feeling", from things he had set up in the episode "Hush". Every executive there knew what I was talking about, and those who didn't, were enthralled by my description. so much so, that I turned many of the people I have worked with into Buffy Fans.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer, is not a television drama, It is an epic experience that took seven years to tell. It tops any story telling, and goes beyond, any television drama in terms of continuity and constant creativity. Most television shows, aspire to tell good contained stories within each hour. But what Buffy aspired to do, was tell the story of these group of people over seven years. There was clear growth from season 1 to season 2 all the way to the last episode, there were growing pains, moments when I hated Buffy and moments when I thought she rocked. Tuesdays, were not a night to watch television, but a night to catch up with family. A family that maimed, and got addicted to dark magic, but hey, are you perfect?

I recently caught a few episodes, including it's finale, Chosen, that I had on tape --- (i usually taped the show cause I work weird schedules.) but I am proud to say I never missed a single episode. And when I go to bed at night, the little boy inside of me, wonders and prays, that I am able to create, something that is at least a little bit as good as Buffy was.

Finally, I would like to say, how shameful I think it is that The Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, never gave this series a chance at the BEST DRAMA SERIES. It shows the lack of imagination of the television industry to reward only things they are comfortable with, instead of rewarding those shows that stretch and expand the limits of what can be done with the medium of television.

in 10 years, Buffy will still be one of the great tv shows. but in 20 or 30 years, Buffy will go down as one of the true classic series television has ever seen.
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