Baby Geniuses (1999)
A terrible TERRIBLE movie
13 July 2003
the only reson they made this movie was to show off their special effects which suck now compared to anything else basiclly a scientest finds out babys speak their own language and are actually smart but this scientest is DUN DUN DUUUUN EVIL so the babys have to stop them (by the way now suddenly the babys can talk to the adults some how) which they do in some stupid unbeliveable way that would only happen if the "evil scientests" were the stupidest pieces of crap ever to walk the face of the earth and I almost forgot Once you turn 2 or 3 or something you forget about having your own language and everything of so all in all:

no plot + no effects +no acting= DON'T SEE THIS MOVIE

PS. I saw this movie 4 years ago so I might have been going a little easy on it

PSS. I dont like saying PS. so im never going to say it again

who the hell says ps anyway
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