Review of Blackrock

Blackrock (1997)
Blackrock is what Australian film is all about.
12 January 2000
Steve Vilder's controversial "Blackrock" is a disturbing film and one which is relevant and important to Australian society. As with basiclly all Australian film it is a movie by which it is easy for Australians to relate to. The character of Jared could easily be anyone of many surfers from the east coast of Australia, and the un-named town in which he lives in could easily be any industrial town along the shoreline. It confront's issues such as rape, death, guilt, family rivalry and trust/mis-trust with such a raw realism and intensity that the film almost looks and feels like a real life documentry at times. Blackrock is not afraid to delve into the depths of the Australian community and show it how it really is. Unlike "The Castle" or "Muriels Wedding" Blackrock gives us an honest portrayal of the darker side of our society.

It is what Australian film is all about. Quality Australian films aren't made with the box office or international sucess in mind. They're made to make us look at ourselves as a society and think. This is the reason why many Australian films don't usually do well in the U.S and overseas. They are made for us, not an international audience. It's a shame with such quality film's and film makers, our films can't get wider recognition amognst our own country, instead of most of the trash put out by Hollywood these days.
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