Pretty abysmal,Z grade rubbish
26 July 2003
STAR RATING:*****Unmissable****Very Good***Okay**You Could Go Out For A Meal Instead*Avoid At All Costs

This tosh is sort of a victim of the environment in which it was filmed.Obviously by a film company that's probably gone bust by now,with a no name cast,an unheard of director and shoddy,sub standard editing and writing (i.e.,featuring kickboxing in the title,despite all of the combat on display being karate,asking us to believe referees at a fight tournament would allow rival competitors distracting their opponents in the ring by shouting derogatory comments at them and throwing in attacks from outside the ring and blatant cheating in general to go unnoticed without having them disqualified or anything).Throw into the equation cliched characters (with terrible actors to play them),tired dialogue and a laughably over the top ending involving a gun toting sensei,and you have a film that could not belong to any confines other than that of made for TV and straight to video hell and is,as an aside,about one notch off being totally unwatchable.*
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