I was embarrassed to be a Hulkamaniac
28 May 2000
This was in the bottom 5 of the worst movies I've ever seen. The plot made no sense. The acting was awful. There was nothing right about the movie. At first it's very entertaining to pick out all of the production bloopers, and make fun of the horrid acting (including a person making a "squak" noise for Hulk's parrot instead of having the parrot actually squak.) But after a while it just puts you to sleep. I'm a huge Hulk Hogan fan, but I have no idea why he makes movies like this and "Santa With Muscles." I also don't know why Grace Jones or The Big Show, Paul "Chef Bordee" Wight, agreed to make this. Hulk is very talented and is a tremendous entertainer, but for some reason loves B movies that make him look like an idiot. If you have any love for Hulk, please don't see this movie.
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