Review of 54

54 (1998)
1 October 2001
54 was one of the films of 1998 I-was-waiting-for.

I'm still waiting...

Give us the directors cut!!!

Based on a couple of gay-theme shorts Mark Christopher did, Miramax hired him to write and direct what was supposed to be a realistic portrayal of the infamous NYC night club, Studio 54.

According to people involved, Christopher did just that. His film showed an unflinching view of the late '70s. Sex, both gay and straight occupied much of the club, and the drugs ran rampant. I don't know what his version contained, but it HAS to be better than what was released into theatres. The story, as it is now, revolves around Shane (Ryan Phillippe), a Jersey kid who ends up bussing at 54. The movie focuses on is rise to the top, and then dramatic fall. Mike Myers turns in one of his best performances of his career as club owner, Steve Rubel. Ryan Phillippe, who usually has a limited acting ability, shows a glimmer of a great performance trying to break free. And, as far as Neve Campbell, Breckin Meyer and Salma Hayek, why were they in the movie again? I can't quite figure it out. Lord knows, the only reason Neve Campbell was there was to add another name to the marquee.

54 as it is, is a mess. Not much makes sense, and I didn't care whatsoever about any of the characters. I didn't care because I never got a chance to. The editing is choppy, dialogue reeks of quick re-writes, and the movie is tamer than most stuff put out under the Disney label. Hey, Miramax, remember The Crying Game? Priest? Kids? You used to take chances with your films, and stood behind the filmmaker. Now it seems your interested solely in the 'ole mighty buck!

54 had to have been the biggest letdown of the summer of '98 - and there were some pretty big let downs that summer. I urge Miramax to let Christopher release the version he shot (at least on DVD), because as it is now, it's an embarrassment to all those involved, and to all of us who were first in line to witness this hatchet job.

My Grade: C-
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