these are evolved specimens?
13 November 2001
Filmed in and around a Westchester County summer house, this is the annual re-union of 6 friends in their late 20's. Based on screenwriter Weston Ackerman's own play, the film adaptation directed by Andres Heinz pads out the dialogue with those generic toneless dirges on the soundtrack, credited to Joel Goodman, that pass for contemporary "reflective" pop music. Maybe on stage this unpunctuated talk had some acumulative sense, but here it only demonstrates how selfish and shallow these people are. Being 20somethings, we get de rigueur drug and alcohol abuse, swearing, sex, skinny dipping, secret crushes and jealousies. The title is explained by the idea that the secret of Darwin's theory of evolution is sex, since survival of the fittest requires reproduction. It's easy to see how this relates to one person being pregnant but no easy to another who has testicular cancer. Heinz adds some sex fantasies, a gothic baby nightmare, and one intercut between an infidelity and the deceived partner cooking. Ackerman only produces one laugh line in "That was the beer talking". None of the 6 leads display any great charisma or acting, though I was grateful we were spared the site of Jonathan LaPlagia's over-gymed body.
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