Arrival II (1998)
Pretty Bad (2/10)
1 April 2000
This is probably the biggest letdown sequel since Highlander 2. It should not have been made. If they ever decide to make another Arrival movie, they should forget this movie and its plot exists. And, for the love of God, only make another if it has a budget and Charlie Sheen (forget the whole dead thing). Patrick Muldoon is a lame MacGyver-looking actor and he cannot carry a movie. Jane Sibbett (who played the snotty girl on the TV show Herman's Head) is an annoying co-star. Both performances seemed half-hearted. This movie has holes in the plot. How did Bridget find Jack at the train station? Jack even ASKS this question and she answers that because she is a reporter she looked into where he lived... OK, sure, but still, how did you know Jack was at the TRAIN STATION? This movie has bad special effects. I knew this was going to be a bad movie from the opening shot because we are shown a view of earth in space and the stars aren't even points: they are finite size boxes. Ugh! And the movie was so boring. How many times did it pause to let us watch Jack lite a cig? I'm glad I only spent 50 cents to rent it.
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