Review of Shrek

Shrek (2001)
DreamWorks gives Disney the big green middle finger...
30 October 2001
A single word describes Shrek- brilliant. Not in a long time have I enjoyed a movie as much as I enjoyed Shrek. This is a movie that plays on a few different levels, and manages to be entertaining on all of them. Plus, they stick it to Disney something good!

Mike Myers is Shrek, a big green, smelly ogre trying to live a peaceful life in his swamp. He spends his day brushing his teeth with bug goo and bathing in swamp mud. All is well until the vertically challenged Lord Farquaad (John Lithgow in a brilliant performance) banishes all the kingdoms fairytale inhabitants to Shrek's swamp. In an effort to regain his peace and sanity, Shrek, aided by his unwanted sidekick Donkey (Eddie Murphy), make a deal with Farquaad to rescue the Princess Fiona from The Dragon and bring her back so Farquaad can marry her.

It's well known that DreamWorks and Disney have had an ongoing feud for years, and Shrek is the latest and most destructive shot yet. The makers (led by ex-Disney, DreamWorks co-founder Jeffrey Katzenberg) hits Disney where it hurts most - animated features. No Disney chestnut is sacred. Various characters pop in and out of the film, and the sight gags playing on Disney's theme parks alone are enough to keep anybody entertained. Without giving anything away, one of the most hysterical gags in the film involve the Princess and a little bird in a very Disney, very Snow White singing sort of way.

The non-stop punches at Disney are one of the levels Shrek succeeds. The other is that it's a pure, heart warming story that anybody of any age can enjoy. Unlike most recent movies (animated or live action), Shrek is story driven. Watching the film you come to care about the characters and get involved in their feelings. I even found myself caring about characters that in any other movie would be pushed into the background soon after their "big scene". I would also like to say that I commend the DreamWorkers for the ending. It was unexpected and appreciated because it shows that beauty has many levels.

In general, Shrek can do no wrong. I usually see at least one thing I would've done differently, but not with this movie. I have racked my brain, and can't come up with a single thing I'd do differently. Shrek is visually stunning, hugely engaging and has a strong heartfelt moral. Good job to DreamWorks and PDI. Good job to everybody involved. Finally, good job to Disney because without you, none of this would've been possible!

My Grade: A+
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