Review of For Sale

For Sale (1998)
A strange woman's story
6 April 2001
A private eye is searching for a woman who keeps taking sleeping with men, staying with them for some time and taking money for all this. The man finds out a lot about the woman and is then able to identify with her. In flashbacks, we see every station of France's journey, a lot of different men who fell in love with her and her different reactions.

It's an interesting, really entertaining and also visually inspired film. Laetitia Masson uses very bright colours and CinemaScope, although the story is rather intimate and personal. This creates a catching atmosphere and one willingly follows the story. Why does France take money for sex? Sandrine Kiberlain plays her so convincingly that after some time you understand her character, even if you don't sympathize with her, and you don't wonder why she does what she does any more.

I don't think this film wants to tell us anything. It's a composition of pictures with it's focus on characters, though practically free of emotions: the movie's look implies emotionality and the viewer does feel a lot, but the characters don't seem to. 8 out of 10.
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