Review of The Faculty

The Faculty (1998)
Watchable...but still pants
29 April 1999
I had high the team that made Scream, they said. I liked Robert Patrick's performance...but otherwise, i was disappointed. Scream was clever, funny, and stylish. This was shamelessly derivative, and didn't even make a very good joke about that (though they tried very hard to do so). I won't mention the's too predictable to bother. So, let's talk about where they nicked stuff from. The creatures in it have a tendency to do a lot of things which 'The Thing' shoot out weird red tendrils fact, there is a bit where a head crawls about on little legs....hmmm, where did that come from?!?!. Oh, and also, they reproduce in water....and the ending was in a swimming pool! 'Gremlins' anybody?

Well, I gave it a 5/10. It was distinctly average. If you must watch (to pass the time, or whatever) wait for the video!
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