Not your run of the mill period flicks....
4 June 2000
We picked this up because of the stars (Jonny Lee Miller & Robert Carlisle of "Trainspotting"), and because we like costume, period films. What a great flick it turned out to be! Alan Cumming plays the best "fop" since Anthony Andrews or Richard Grant of "The Scarlett Pimpernel". I probably would have rather seen an authentic English actress co-star rather than Liv Tyler, though she does a respectable job (accent and all) as a ballsy Englishwoman. The action is superb, and although rather predictable at times, is extremely satisfying. The dialogue and situations are absolutely the best. It's not very often you come across a gem of a sleeper like this; it's neither a chick flick nor a guy flick. Could be a great date movie. Very enjoyable.
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