Review of Pi

Pi (1998)
God bows to math.
11 September 1999
There really isn't a lot I can say about this film that hasn't been said before. Sure, it's not perfect, but what is? Sure, it's aimed at lunatics and math geeks, but what's wrong with that? Just because it isn't dedicated towards the 'Varsity Blues' crowd doesn't mean it's automatically a bad film....

Pi is one of those movies that does something that any good book makes it's reader do -- THINK. It makes you wonder about society, feeling sorry for the real people out there who are stuck being that smart. Sure, not every genius has strange flashbacks and is addicted to solving math problems, but some [probably] do. It also makes you realize that some people take their obsessions (math, religion, et cetera) WAY too far.

I think everyone should rent it. I'm not saying that everyone will enjoy it, but I still feel that even throwing it in for five minutes will make a person think about it. (Even if they're only thinking 'God this sucks...' at least they're thinking.) And PLEASE don't rent it because of the soundtrack -- musically it isn't that bad, but I agree with past reviewers that said that at times it doesn't really fit the movie at all.
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