One of the best films I've seen in 1999
28 December 1999
After not being much impressed with the trash that is showing at the common denominator multiplexes this year, I am glad that my eye caught this video slick when I was in the store looking for another video, in fact. I was pleasantly surprised by this film, which is beautiful in it's scenery and cinematography, and is held together by the superb acting duo of Dora and Josue.

IMHO, Montenegro deserved an Oscar for her portrayal of Dora. The audience is shown the dark side of her character at the outset, but she undergoes many changes through the course of the film which are well expressed by Montenegro.

Oliveira is delightful as the young boy seeking out his father, and works well with Montenegro to keep the audience interested in his quest.

The scenery in the film is beautiful and the cinematography is slick and clever. The film is held together well by a good score.

I have also seen Life is Beautiful, and I would definitely rate this movie higher than that. I give it *** 1/2 out of ****
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