The Video Dead (1987 Video)
So inept, it should have had its own 'section' at the video store under "Awful Movies"
10 July 2001
Warning: Spoilers
This has got to be one of the stupidest movies with an assembled cast of some of the worst actors of all time that I have ever seen. I hadn't actually heard of this movie until I noticed it under the 'Horror' section at my local video store. The back of the video suggested that the movie was about zombies that rise from the dead and attack the living. It sounded alright to me. Boy was I wrong.

The premise is simple. A television set (which origins from where it came from and how it was created are never fully explained) is mistakingly delivered to the wrong address and unleashes zombies once it is turned on. It is one of those common TV sets that everyone has that can turn on by itself, even when its not plugged in, and can even omitt smoke and fog while it unleashes unthinkable monsters. The TV set itself tunes into a zombie flick which is already in procession and one of the zombies turns to look at the camera and the next thing you know, they're walking out of it!! I had no idea that the average man could fit through a TV set, especially a small one from the 80's, but what the hey. The zombies wreak havoc upon the poor soul who happens to be living in the house at the time, and the next scene shows the dead man propped up against a wall wearing a party hat with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth and his eyes wide open.

'Three months later', a new family moves into the house. The son and daughter have been sent to do the initial unpacking as the parents are still in Saudi Arabia. Of course, the house has been cleaned out since the last tenant's awful demise, except for the sole TV set which sits in the attic(!!!). Cut to a scene showing one of the zombies standing in the woods watching the kids move in, we are supposed to believe that they have been standing out there for three months doing absolutely nothing? The son hears the TV set turn on by itself and he discovers it in the attic where he carries it to his bedroom so he can watch it later. The daughter, as an actress, is in a league of her own. She has got to be one of the worst actresses I have ever seen, regardless that this *IS* an 80's horror movie. She spends most of her time on-screen looking really stupid and trying to look scared.

Meanwhile, the zombies start wreaking havoc on the neighborhood. They murder residents in the cul-de-sac in unusual ways. Of course, there is the one obligatory zombie wearing a rotting wedding dress. Oh, did I forget to mention that these zombies don't actually eat people? Instead, these zombies think they're 'actually' alive and that they only want to kill the things that remind them that they're dead... such as living people! The zombies murder people in fascinating ways, such as choking them to death and in one hilarious scene, placing a woman upside down in a washing machine!!! If you thought this sounded ridiculous, the woman was in fact of a 'larger' bone structure and they managed to squeeze her in and turn it on so her legs spin round and round(!). This all sounds like comedy so far, but you'll most likely be rolling your eyes and groaning in excruciation at this point.

So far, we have been introduced to characters we couldn't care less about, and totally unrealistic-looking zombies who raise more laughs than thrills if anything. There's even a ridiculous sub-plot that pops up when the son is watching the TV set and sees a 'sexy' woman who keeps talking to him, right before she gets her throat cut by a strange man who introduces himself as "The Garbage Man". He mentions something about placing a mirror in front of the TV-set (what good would that do seeing as the zombies have already escaped?) and that's the last we see of him. What on Earth was that all about you ask? Beats me. I'm about as clueless as you are.

And then on top of all this, a man from Texas shows up wanting to claim back the TV set (three months *AFTER* its initial bungled delivery) and instead, stays with the two kids to help get rid of the zombies. The Texan and the son decide to spend time out in a rusty old shanty in the middle of the woods so they can kill the zombies with a bow and arrow and a chainsaw!! The trap results in having the son dangling from a rope as 'bait' wielding a chainsaw while the Texan dozes off in the shanty, just as the zombies make their appearance!!! If you've digested all of this ludicrous plot material so far, wait till you see the ending... it is RIOTOUS!!

The sister decides to have the zombies over for dinner (yes, you heard that right) so she can trick them into going ballroom dancing(!!) in the basement and then trap them down there so they will go crazy and eat each other to death(!!!). After she surprisingly manages to pull this off, the movie closes with her in a mental asylum receiving a visit from her parents (who look more like her GRANDparents) who have a little gift for her... the television set wheeled in on a trolley!!! The movie then closes with a fade-out from the room and a long scream.

I've seen terrible movies before, but this one really takes the cake. If you can't get over the bad storyline, bad special effects and bad 80's soundtrack - try to make sense of the terrible 'acting' performance given by the female who plays the daughter. It is unbelievably rotten.

This movie gets a Grade: Z!
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