The Video Dead (1987 Video)
20 September 2000
A man is accidentally delivered a T.V. that was meant to be sent to the official-sounding Institute for the Study of Occult. Zombies come out of the T.V. & kill him. Three months later, a teenage brother & sister move into the home, waiting for their parents to move in. The boy meets an attractive neighbor girl whom he helps out of a jam that he is partially responsible for, but for which she wishes to "thank" him for in the future. Then he finds the T.V. and starts watching it. A woman comes out of the T.V. & seduces him, but then goes back into the T.V. & is killed by a man who calls himself "The Garbageman", who instructs the boy to tape a mirror to the T.V. screen or else zombies will come out of it. We never see this "Garbageman" again.

So the boy does what the "Garbageman" suggests. However, the zombies have already escaped the T.V. & have been wandering the woods nearby for the past 3 months. The zombies effortlessly kill several of the neighbors, upon which a cowboy from Texas shows up & explains everything about the T.V. He says the best way to kill the zombies is to "mess them up" enough so that they think they're really dead. Then the zombies abduct the boy's new flame before she can "thank" him, so the boy agrees to help the cowboy destroy the zombies. While hunting for them with bows and arrows, the boy & the cowboy decide that a zombie-infested forest is the best place to have an argument over manners. The boy calls the big tough Texan "cows--t" & the Texan backs down. The cowboy then shows the boy how to dispose of the zombies. Fortunately, the boy's favorite movie is "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" & takes to the task readily.

Oh yeah, and for some strange reason, tiny bells start ringing whenever the zombies approach. The cowboy somehow knows this, & uses it to set a trap for the zombies. He falls asleep, though, and when the zombies attack, neither the boy's cries for help nor shotgun blasts can wake him. He finally wakes up to the sound of his Fisher Price chainsaw running, and saves the boy in the knick of time. However, in trying to finish off the zombies, the two perish. And also, the cowboy's method of killing the zombies seemed to only make them nap for a little while, because they get up & go right after the sister who's waiting at home for her heroes to return. She suddenly remembers some of the other stuff the cowboy said, and uses her brains and her cool-headedness to finally defeat the zombies.

She winds up in a mental institution though, and when her parents arrive to meet her, they bring a little something to cheer her up. Oh no - it's the T.V. with the zombies in it!

Can't wait for the sequel.
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