Review of My Dog Skip

My Dog Skip (2000)
Sentimental? So what! I still love it!
28 September 2000
Maybe I'm just a sentimental old fool, or perhaps it's because I just lost my childhood dog, but I flat out loved this movie. Sure, you might think the "boy and his dog" thing has been done to death, but "Skip" dares to go into such emotional territory that if its simple story fails to move you, I simply don't know what will. You see, this movie is not so much about Skip, as it is about childhood in general, and oh what I wouldn't give to have those days back once more!

No, "My Dog Skip" will never be nominated for any oscars, and it probably will not appear on any critics top ten lists, but I give this movie a ten because it is a touching gem of good wholesome fun.
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