Worth (almost) missing your own wedding for
22 July 2003
Trust me, this is a film review. Let me set the scene.

It's my wedding day, and I'm a few thousand miles away from home in a classy hotel, up bright and early and pacing the room on my wedding day. To pass the time I watch some cable. I start watching a film I later discover to be called 'The Independent'.

Is transfixed to big a word? The film is captivating, and the car-crash cliche is not far off the mark, but trust me, the only reason I didn't watch the final 20-or-so minutes is that I was supposed to be at some darn altar or other to marry some chick.

Well, I made it to the wedding and sacrificed the film ending. On balance it was probably the right choice, but it was a close call.

THAT is how good this film is.

n.b. I still need to see the last 20 minutes and the credits that are so highly praised. Knowing my luck it'll be re-shown on the day our first kid chooses to be born.
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