Review of Luminarias

Luminarias (1999)
11 March 2001
THE MOVIE "LUMINARIAS" IS SIMPLY AWESOME!!! If you have not seen it, then I just know someone will be smart enough to pick up on Video-and then you can join the rest of us that truly know this Movie is a must see for everyone!!! This Movie just has to to be picked up on Video-I mean "LUMINARIAS" has got it all! "LUMINARIAS" has a fantastic script, an awesome cast, and the best soundtrack, (which reminds me-I can't wait for my "LUMINARIAS" soundtrack too!)-oh and of course this Movie is a super rollercoaster of a ride in emotions that go way beyond laughter and tears. "LUMINARIAS" reaches down into your very being! Everyone can relate to the main character "Andrea" she a tough, tenacious human-being with compasion for life and for doing what is right and just. "Andrea" finds out what we all have in life, and that is: if you want to make it in this world then you've got to be a "certain way". However when you finally do make it, you find out sometimes that you've compromised a little of yourself in the process-which can lead to terrible un-happiness.

Still "LUMINARIAS" solves the "mystery of life" by taking us on a journey. The journey uncovers all those superficial layers within ourselves. This is one journey with an ending that makes us each acutely aware that, it's not just "o.k." to be our "true selves"-it's a requirment! "LUMINARIAS" is one experience that begs the question by helping us all to see, "the road less traveled". Often times in life we get caught up in these mindless patterns that make it all too easy for us to miss out on the real passions that we each have to give. The Movie helps us to relate in that each of the main characters is grapeling to find their true identities. One of the characters, tries again and again to make a "bad" marriage good by ignoring the telling signs, like so many of us do. Another character, hurt by experiences with racism tries to submurge herself into another culture by shutting out her own. Still another character scared to be alone in life goes from one relationship to another, only to find she that cannot be truly happy with someone else until she has first learned to discover her own happiness within herself. Yet as the main characters in this Movie each successfully surrender to themselves-we begin to see that life can be "one meanifull adventure"!!!

"LUMINARIAS" means light in English-so to quote another movie, "step into the light" and experience the awakening for yourself!

Thank you, Michelle-A true "LUMINARIAS" fan w/spelling challenges!
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