12 breasts, 1 beast, 1 tablespoon blood
2 June 1999
This drive-in rarity is perhaps best enjoyed in the same style as Mystery Science Theatre 3000.

Plot: Alternately silly and confusing. A doctor suffers a minor car accident, then, strangely enough, a young lady has a car accident right next to him. He goes for help at the conveniently-nearby spOOky castle. Strangeness ensues. Dialog: Originally in Italian. On the DVD version, you get your choice of dubbing and subtitles. Both are bizarre and occasionally howlingly funny.

Special Effects: Mostly performed by shaking the camera. A few smokepots. A monster that is about as lame as Ed Wood's giant octopus from "Bride of the Monster."

Music: You got the synthesizer AND the bongos, but no wocka-wocka guitars or plinked wires. Thankfully, no moaning.

Vampiric lesbianism? Of course. It's required in movies like


Female nudity? Yes, since the plot *absolutely*required* that the female lead wander about the castle and its exterior in either a towel wrap, a negligee, or nothing at all.

Male nudity? A short special-guest appearance by the half-red-and-half-blue guys from Star Trek (or their poor cousins) in thong loincloths.

Sex? Eh, barely as racy as your typical R Rated Motel Fare.

Gross? Hardly.

Funny? Often,
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