The Godson (1998)
Few funny gags, but very inconsistent
29 March 2001
I can't lie that I laughed during this movie, but far from how much I expected. First of all, I'd like to establish that even though Rodney Dangerfield has top billing--he only appears in about 20 percent of the film. And he has most of the funny lines. I liked the scene where he came out with a bandage over his pinky finger and said: "I told my wife I hurt my little pinky. She said, 'It's OK. We're not having sex tonight.'"

Kevin McDonald is the real star, and gets frightfully annoying at times. He was funny on "Kids in the Hall," but he overacts way way too much in this one. You just want to shoot him with a tranquilizer dart.

I thought there was great comic opportunity for a film that spoofs Mafia flicks. But it's totally wasted with such flat gags. For example when they were spoofing the famous scene in "Goodfellas" where Joe Pesci gives that "Do you think I'm funny?" speech. However, the chick they used in that movie is REALLY REALLY hot. But that's no compensation. If she got naked...maybe.

"The Godson" definitely has its moments. But they're wedged between the most brainless, flat, annoying, sometimes disgusting gags. If those gags weren't torcherous and simply devoid of laughs, I might regard this movie as OK. But those gags are so tedious and mind-numbing that they drown out the few laughs that do exist--so much that I have no choice but to regard it as awful.
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