Wiper as a young Eastwood or Glenn.
19 January 2002
I guess I had to get past my snobbery to see that this film was OK,in the genre of the early "Dirty Harry" movies. The film is Greek tragedy, not Hollywood novel-turned-movie. I see Scott Wiper as a young Clint Eastwood or Scott Glenn. There was a certain dark humor at play in this movie, under the more obvious slapstick. With that all said, let's face the reality that Scott Wiper, like Eastwood and Glenn, is all sex all the time. The guy has that charisma and a body to back it up, even when the script gets a little bumpy. Lou Diamond Phillips, whose career also has its hormonal side, actually turns in a good performance as the complicated secret agent. Andre Braugher, while consistently earnest, seemed to be portraying the last six characters I've seen him play. I can understand why this film has gotten a fair amount of notice in the European market. It portrays a fantasy America, still routed in Wild West mores and justice.
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