not as good movie as I've expected it to be
20 June 2001
I was surprised when I saw a familiar name - Mirjana Jokovic on the tape cover of the American movie in my local video store. (I must say that she's one of the best serbian actresses). First, I suppose that it must be some good drama or comedy, but it was an action movie and it wasn't special in any way. There was a lot of blood, killings, fights, explosions in it and, of course, a fabulous blond played by Natasha Henstridge. (What kind of movie would it be if there wasn't at least one beautiful blond in it?!) Mirjana played another girl in the movie, called Jelisaveta, and she had a few lines in Serbian language. It wasn't a big role (but I guess the money was good, 'couse I can't think of any other reason for her to participate in movie like this one). You can say that the story is a littlebit uncommon (there's some mix up about who's Harry), but it's adding up to a well-known story of one INDESTRUCTIBLE man against everyone: the Mafia, police, FBI. And, of course, he must have some cool phrase, like "I'll be back" or "Noone's nervous" to follow him along the movie, and this movie is full of it. And there's no need to mention illogical and ridiculous actions and plots. The end of the movie seems to be further and further away as we're coming to it, and even the writer seems to be out of idea so we can see our hero saving himself from the burning building two times in the same way. So, while I'm thinking once again about this movie I'm coming to the conclusion that it's much more worse than "not so good movie as I've expected it to be", but maybe I have expected too much.
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