Review of Bossa Nova

Bossa Nova (2000)
After enduring the execrable Anaconda, thank God for Bossa Nova
19 June 2000
This film is a delightful romantic comedy and shows off the director's love for the city of Rio. A film that Brasilian Americans can be proud of instead of ashamed of like they were at the pathetic Anaconda from summer's past. I wish all NorteAmericanos could see this flick to experience the unique beauty of Rio. Yes, it's idealized and doesn't

show the bad with the good, but this is true of many many movies. Gladiator made ancient Rome glamorous, which it was not. Rio, on the other hand, is a city filled with unique beauty, as anyone who has ever been to Sugarloaf or Corcavado can attest to. For those who may be curious, my imdb handle of M2b means married-2-Brasil and you can

easily fugure out what that means. I loved this flick. See

it and see it in wide screen, not video!
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