Yipes. I think I'll sleep with the lights on tonight.
6 August 1999
I don't like scary movies. I hate them. And yet I was dying to see this one, knowing full well that I would be scared out of my pants. When the reviews came out and critics didn't like it (but admitted to being terrified), I wanted to see it even more. Yes, my audience laughed too, but when it ended the theater was silent as the first few cards of credits flashed by. (As everyone was leaving, a piercing scream ripped through the theater -- it seems someone had startled someone else, who had been rather frightened by the movie!) I've just designated my cat as the real Blair Witch. He's ten months old, orange, and very cute -- and that's the only way I'll be able to sleep tonight. The movie didn't make sense until the end, though. That was when I finally realized it was an actual film, when I found there had been foreshadowing at the beginning (and that's all I'll say!). Yes, the whining got a bit tiring, yes, the actors could have been a bit better prepared, etc., but on the whole it's a great movie. Good grief, I can't even write a decent review, I'm so scared. I think I'll put on a comedy tv show before bed tonight.
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