Review of Frequency

Frequency (2000)
Unusually well put together time travel yarn
15 May 2000
I should begin by saying that I am prejudiced in favor of time travel stories, even if, as in the case of Frequency, it is only radio waves doing the time traveling. However, I was more than usually pleased with the way Frequency came together overall.

When I first saw the previews, I was intrigued, but at the same time, I was skeptical that the premise being presented would make a good full length movie. It would have been a nice half hour Twilight Zone episode, but I would initially have thought that it would drag if it were even made into a one hour TV special. Yet I was pleasantly surprised to find unusual depth and reflection. Father and son Frank and John Sullivan gain the unexpected boon of being able to twist the flow of history to their mutual favor, but in doing so learn that it isn't as simple as it at first appeared and the consequences are suitably more involved that either could have foreseen. The complications that arise are well quite well put together, and the ending, I felt, came together in a satisfyingly neat climax.

Frequency manages to have enough depth to make it worth sitting through a feature length film without becoming so absurdly convoluted that you need a PhD to understand the plot; that is a rare combination that makes it a winner well worth seeing.
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