The Awful Truth (1999–2000)
25 August 1999
I'm sick and tired of Michael Moore acting like human life is more valuable than money. Look, money makes the world go around; there are *billions* of people and most of them contribute nothing. Nothing!

Money has got me my beautiful trophy wife, my sports car, my trips to Europe, my tennis court, my three houses, etc. ,etc. etc. What has that slob that Michael "saved" from the HMO ever given me? Zip, that's what. El zippo.

Doesn't Michael realize the kind of money HMOs make off the death of people like that whining sicky he patted himself on the back for saving? If the HMOs were to pay for every little old operation every one of their whining patients wanted, what kind of money would be left for the investors?

Come on! We're talking MONEY here people! Get with the program.

I hope Michael Moore's career goes down in flames, because the more he is on the air, the more he hurts the interests of people like me.
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