22 November 2001
you know what? i'm gonna have to agree with what my friend james said shortly after the completion of this whopper of cinematic craftsmenship. this movie was terrible but i had so much fun sitting around with friends and making fun of it that it will always hold a special place in my heart. there oughtta be more movies like that. in fact they should have a rack at the video store that separates them from the films that you can even try to take seriously so you don't get confused. honestly i can't believe that this film was intended to have storyline that made sense, it's all about having something so loose that if you catch most of it, you're okay. and just repeat lots of phallic words like rod to give us something to play off of. and through in an ambiguously gay blue-lipped cue ball with a lisp as a supervillain (Was he even SUPPOSED to be comic relief?). I mean honestly, the kids that grew up playing D&D are the same people that are controlling this country right now. they weren't all unusual, geeky, and STUPID. a lot of them were smart cookies. you'd think they could cook up a more intelligent, inspired, and reverent plotline to the role-playing event of the 20th century century. i honestly don't think you were supposed to take this seriously. I mean- marlon wayans ....in medieval times, making a complete ass of himself in a role that could only be construed as being uncle tom-esque racist. Welcome to Camp. Let's have as much fun as we can at the counselors' expense.
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