I'll take the bus instead
16 October 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers ahead.

As a big fan of the apocalyptic genre best exploited by John Christopher and John Wyndham, I was looking forward to this series. It started off well but it soon became ludicrously unbelievable.

The train survivors at first think they have been in suspended animation for about four years, and this was just about plausible, but they later find out they have been in deep freeze for FIFTY years.

While this is not necessarily impossible, it is not reflected in the settings. For example, someone manages to start a van that has been in a garage for fifty years and drive it for hundreds of miles. We see wrecked cars littering the roads with pristine paintwork, and houses in good repair - hardly likely after fifty years, most of which was a nuclear winter! Similarly the village pub that the group stay in looks like it could win an Egon Ronay award - it is clean, tidy and well maintained, there is a well stocked bar and the juke box strikes up as if it had never been turned off!

Then at the end, the fact that the pursuers are in fact the survivors of 'Ark' is patronisingly drummed into the viewer several times. For a really good apocalyptic mini series, try Stephen King's 'The Stand' or BBC's 'Day of the Triffids' instead.
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