One of the funniest movies ever
15 September 2001
Warning: Spoilers
Some very minor spoilers herein

Final Destination is def. one of the funniest movies of all time. After

a slew of teen slasher movies, it's refreshing to see a movie take

itself so seriously and still be so funny...

Having seen so many people give this movie rave reviews, I must

conclude that they are reviewing in the sarcastic, self-parodic

nature of the film. This movie contains middling acting, a terrible

script and absolutely awful realism.

I understand that we shouldn't expect an awful lot of reality, but

when a movie takes its premise so seriously, one would expect its

death scenes to be a little better than "coffee mug cracks, leaks on

computer, causes electrical shortage, computer explodes, glass

impales woman wo runs into kitchen. Flames follow trail of leaked

alcohol after her, where she collapses and the flames cause the

kitchen to catch fire, while she reaches for a towel and succeeds

in dropping a set of knives onto her, and one of the knives drops

directly onto her chest, point down. Sorry folks. If death really

wanted to knock em off, the bus idea was a smarter way to go.

To see so many people praise this movie is revolting. Even among

the long line of slasher movies, this is not very high. Starting with

Psycho, there is a fine list of horror movies that involve serial

killers with knives and other sharp or unusual objects. Final

Destination does not contain the originality of Psycho or

Halloween, the plot of Candyman, nor the self-satire of Scream. It

contains NOTHING.

Most of the death scenes are laughable to any fan of horror movies

that actually knows the horror genre started long before 1978. So

what do you say about a movie that offers nothing but a

half-original ripoff of an overdone genre quickly in decline and not

worth keeping up with?

Well to answer the final lines of the movie: "Who's next?"

Who cares?

3/10 for some shock value and the creative decapitation
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