In the Cut (2003)
Let's use a "mystery story" as a red herring for a how-to-do-it porno flick?
3 November 2003
"In the Cut" -- do we mean the cut-up women? Do we mean the "cut" that figure skating blades make in the ice? Or do we actually mean a four letter word for the last three letter word of the title? The Mss. Campion & Moore may have thought they could have a laugh at the little people with a double-entendre title - but they can guess again. I came to this film expecting to be horrified, scared, perhaps mentally challenged and never expected to be schooled in erotica - mainly about pleasuring a female with a little info thrown in about pleasuring a man. This film is vulgar and disturbing, partly because it pretends to be something it's not. And what it is would best be forgotten. Want a good mystery, thriller - how about "Primal Fear" - saw it again last night - good acting, good dialogue, interesting story, some sex, and a satisfying plot twist at the end. "In The Cut" is rated R (restricted) - as it should be. But the newspaper ad gives another clue to this film's true emphasis, and I quote - "Everything you know about desire is dead wrong." Guess to Mss. Campion & Moore it sure is.
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