Tuesdays with Morrie (1999 TV Movie)
Deals with things most people are scared of!
30 July 2001
Although this movie was a made for TV movie and the fade outs left me feeling like I was about to see a commercial, this movie is great.

This movie deals with aspects of life that people don't like to talk about openly when in reality they are all just part of life: love, friendship, who you are, elderly, and most of all death. This movie addresses death unlike I have seen other movies do. It confronts death straight on and gives you a different view on it all.

Many times during this movie I was left feeling more open minded about things, and this movie also had a wealth of quotes one could live by.

The acting in the movie was good, the messages conveyed are heavy messages that you have to really think about.

The direction, lighting, and cinematography were all fairly good.

I recommend this movie if you want to learn more about yourself and your future.
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