Twisted but Funny nonetheless
26 April 2003
A pretty good parody of the "god of gamblers" genre of movies. Stephen Chow gave a stoic but laughable performance as a retired god of gamblers who was forced into the gambling society. Nick Cheung tried too hard to be funny, but I found his scenes to be more childlish humor. Some scenes are sick, such as licking of the shoes for example.

Some very good looking women also appear in this movie: Kelly Lin as "First Love", an absolute stunning beautiful who was not afraid to expose her assets, and Suki Kwan as Pizza, Nick's fiancee in the movie.

There was not really a lot of original ideas in the movie. Some scenes spoof on Hong Kong TV commercials, so foreigners may find them humorless without making the mental connection.

As a whole, a 6/10
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